Crystal Ridge Farm and Artisan Gallery is a breath-taking, award-winning landscape designed with a great many varieties of trees, flowering shrubs, and flowers that has been described as a heavenly garden of Eden where you feel spiritually refreshed and have a challenging time leaving. There are many trails and scenic vistas and wonderful avenues. The Crystal Ridge farm has become a teaching and meeting place. Enjoyed by student tours, yoga outdoor classes, many Garden clubs and women's groups from Local Churches, quilting groups, Local Photographer's for bringing their Clients for Photo shoots. Plein Air painters find their favorite scene and a favored stop for the many tourist visitors that come to our community annually.
The blueberry orchard. provides early, mid-season, and late varieties, Available for July & August. The Orchard is nestled among beautifully landscaped shrubs, trees and nearby ponds. The blueberries were first planted in 2014. The farm’s natural approaches to management of the blueberry orchard, eliminates the need for any Chemical sprays. The orchard and ponds and Landscape has been designed as a connected Ecosystem. The ponds are a thriving ecosystem with plants, minnows and fish and Mother Nature's creatures that are normally pond inhabitants. Which in turn provides natural fertile water for irrigation to the orchard. The Landscape provides homes for many species of birds that in turn control insect infestations. Adding to the natural ecosystem are many varieties of bees, that Mother Earth has created and an Apiary of the farms Honeybee hives for Pollination and for exceptional Natural Honey available for the farm market. The bees are a welcome sight as their pollination is the key to producing a bountiful blueberry crop.
Orchard will be Operating under A “Preferred Customer Program” Members will pay @ u-pick pricing . A Member’s ID Card will be issued for the Members. For those who are not able to pick and for traveler’s ,there will be Blueberries available for purchase at Retail Pricing